Talks for WI and other groups

'WI' - The Women's Institute, is the largest voluntary women's organisation in the UK.

"Thank you so much for your talk yesterday about Tai Chi, which everybody found most interesting. Good to see most of our members joining in when requested."

- Diana Shakeshaft - Earls Barton WI -

A lightly edited video of a Zoom Tai Chi session delivered to a group of people who had no prior exposure to my teaching, and some of whom knew nothing about Tai Chi.
As requested, I was mainly teaching an introduction to the 8 Move 1 Step Tai Chi form.

Talk on 'Tai Chi for Health, Exercise and Self Defence'

Robert regularly presents interactive and participatory talks on Tai Chi. The talk covers the history of Tai Chi, it's benefits from a health point of view, and much more. The talk has a serious intent which is to inform and increase interest and participation of this marvellous art but is presented in a lighthearted way with a lot of humour (some of which may be a tad 'adult' at times).

It is available as either a 45 minute or a one hour talk to your group and includes a chance for your members to practice Tai Chi.

If you are involved with any group, club, organisation, company, or etc... and would like Robert to come along and give a talk, demonstration, or workshop please contact him on 07771 333 369 or by sending an email to

"Just a note to thank you for attending our March meeting and giving us such an enjoyable evening. It was lovely to see so many of our members participating in the art, whether standing or sitting, and to listen to the comments after, of how much they enjoyed you being with us. We thank you too for giving us a better understanding of Tai Chi. We would have no hesitation of recommending your visit to others'"

- Mrs B Wright - Yelvertoft WI -

"We really enjoyed your Tai Chi session last night. You were a very entertaining and knowledgeable speaker. It was good to have a go too! All in all a fun session and great to do something well-being related in January."

- D Parry - Chalgrave WI

Robert Agar-Hutton

Thank you...

At a WI meeting a young girl was there along with her mother and grandmother. At the end of my talk she came over to me and presented me with a drawing she had done - I occasionally dabble with painting but I cannot get the hang of representational art - I think this drawing is excellent.

...and I also like the fact that she has been kind to me with regards to the amount of hair on my head.

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Agar-Hutton Tai Chi Academy
27 Ballantyne Road
NN10 9FJ

Contact details

Phone: 07771 333 369
Int: +44 (0) 7771 333 369

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